Lydian.World Players,

Along with related entities and individuals (collectively, "The Companies"), have been served with cease-and-desist orders and other legal process by the U.S. states of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Kentucky, New Hampshire, Texas, Washington, and Wisconsin. The Companies intend to fully comply with these orders. At this time, The Companies have ceased doing business in the United States. We are not offering any services to, engaging in any transactions with, or accepting any funds from U.S. customers. No new U.S. customers will be permitted to register. Nor will any new customer be permitted to register from any country without proper “Know Your Customer” documentation. Any existing U.S. customer accounts are in the process of being closed, as are all existing accounts without proper “Know Your Customer” documentation on file. Withdrawals or refunds will be provided upon request to eligible U.S. customers whose accounts have been closed. Please direct any questions or requests to [email protected]. Links to the filings can be found below.

Links to the filings can be found below:

**Important Announcement:

Attention valued readers, the team at wishes to inform you that upcoming news and updates will be exclusively disseminated through our officially recognized channels. Please be aware that only the sources listed here are sanctioned or acknowledged by as official channels.

Caution Notice:

Be aware that numerous channels, particularly on Telegram, are falsely claiming to be official community channels. These are not our authorized channels on social media. The official channel will be specified here shortly. Please stay alert to this important distinction.

Related Legal news and updates: